I have already shared my love for hot chocolate in the afternoons, my decadent pink lamingtons and all my other guilty little secrets so today I thought I would show you how to make a guilty secret a not so guilty one!
I adore milkshakes and smoothies but sometimes they can have a lot more calories than you think they do. I have come up with a super healthy smoothie that leaves everything else I have had so far in the dust and it is super healthy as well!
What you need:
1 Scoop vanilla protein powder
Handful of blueberries (the frozen ones from Woolies are great to use!)
2 Strawberries (and one for decoration)
1 Banana
2 blocks of ice
A half a glass of filtered water
If you have a sweet tooth and you want to turn it into a real low cal treat add some Canderel Yellow to taste
Pile everything into a blender and viola! Perfect healthy treat that is really good for you as well! Do you have any tips on making a guilty secret a not so guilty one?