Pretty new shoes from ebay that I am wearing in my outfit post that will be up later today and three pretty new nail polish colors from Essence.

I had to get the furs out (faux fur that is...) to brave the icy cold weather we had on Friday night!

Being silly in front of the mirror before going out on Friday night

Got a surprise package of Vitamin waters in the post on Friday, YUM! Drinking a fruit punch one now.

What I had on underneath my furs, I dont usually do black and silver but I quite liked the combo.

Stunning shot Michael took of the oil tanker that we can see from out place.

Planning outfits while cleaning our room

New silver Zara look alike heels from Mr Price

Rainy weather on Sunday morning (spent almost the whole weekend in bed!)

Cant wait to get my skin all pretty and glowing with Ponds!
Follow me on isntagram - Superficialgirl and Michael on - Thelawry