Yay for another DIY! After thinking what I could do with the lovely gold chain I bought on etsy I decided for summer it would be great to make some chain and woven bracelets. I bought mint, peach and neon pink cord and decided to do a tutorial for you guys with the pink!
It came out so pretty and it is really easy to make. Check out the step by step video below (or the step by step instructions with pics) and remember to pin it if you love DIY!
Step by Step instructions:
1. You will need scissors, some gold chain (I bought mine on etsy) , 1.5m cord (I used thin silk cord), a lighter and also some tape and a pair of pliers (not pictured)
2. Start of by getting a smaller piece of chain of the bigger piece with pliers. I used 11 links for my bracelet but you could use more or less depending on the size of your links and your wrist! Tape the chain onto a flat surface. Cut of a piece of the cord about 2 and a half times as long as your piece of chian and loop it through the bottom link of the chain. Make sure the two pieces of cord are even at the end and tape the bottom of the cord to the table so it is nice and tight.
3. Take the rest of your cord and place it underneath your base cord also making sure it is even on both sides. Now we can begin to weave!
4. Pick a side to start from and form a loop going over the base cord.
5. Now take the other side over the loop.
6. Take the side you took over the loop and stick it underneath the base cord and into the first loop you created.
7. Now tighten it and do the same action again but from the other side (much easier to see how in the video above!)
8. When your weave is as long as you want it put the rest of the base cord into the other end of the chain from the inside going out and check how long you want it so your hand will fit through.
9. Secure the base cord to your woven piece and carry on weaving over the double cord until you reach the end
10. Tie a knot at the end and burn closed with a lighter (the ends will melt together. Also cut off the rest of the base cord that will be in the woven piece and burn off the ends. Turn your bracelet around and viola!